Consumer Engagement - From Intrusive to Co-creation..
With rising consumer preferences, and emergence of more discerning consumers, marketers are revisiting their marketing and communication strategies. Shaping up a consumer’s mindset no longer seems to be an effective mode. Instead, higher consumer involvement in the early stages of Marketing activities seems to be the mantra in the marketing world of the future. In a recent article at imedia by Jim Nail , titled " The 4 Types of Engagement ", the future of advertising has been mapped to the consumer’s decision making process . The author discusses the various kinds of engagement and their corresponding implications. A proposed model based on a level of engagement suggests disbanding the traditional model of AIDA ( A ttention I nterest D esire A ction ) and incorporating Engagement Marketing instead. The AIDA model prescribes getting attention of the consumer, arousing interest in your brand, creating a desire for it, ultimately leading to Action (purchase) towards the bran...