A new campaign by Career Builder makes people introspect and find out how they would look if they stick to their current jobs… Called “ Age-o-matic ”, the campaign requires one to upload his/her photograph, and answer a few questions about the work culture a person has. Based on that, a “ scientific ” evaluation results in your modified photo – 50 years down the line – this is how you are going to look…. Incidentally, none of the photographs are really encouraging – so no matter what you do and where you land up, the truth of the matter is ...you WILL grow old!! Now that most of the people around me are making career choices and moves, this would be an appropriate place to check what you are in for. And if it isn’t that pleasing ( just like it wasn’t for me – as is evident in my predicted photograph ), well, maybe you could try Careerbuilder.com and stay optimistic!! ;) On a serious note, the campaign communicates through the humor line the importance of work pressure and culture o...