The Hungry Child, The Thirsty Child – Do we really care?

I have earlier talked about the problems of deprived children and the solutions that the marketing world has offered - how NGOs/ ad agencies have been brilliantly communicating their problems, adapting innovative ways and tools to connect to the social world. Be it about providing shelter to homeless children or pushing them out of begging , or fighting against Child Labor , campaigns have always managed to get a lot of attention, and possibly encouraged a lot of us to come forward and contribute in solving the issues at hand. What such campaigns fight against is not to apprise us of the issues and communicate the problem – today, all of us are cognizant of the problems around us, the problems these deprived souls face - but to fight in breaking the barriers that we consciously setup, the shells we hide into, the walls of “ conscious social ignorance ” that our built around us - where we attempt to ignore and work around these social issues for our own convenience. All said and done ...