Creative Advertisements of Cars - For those who are first, and those who aren't!

You can always learn creativity from Car Ads - they have something new to offer everytime one of the big companies (or their agencies) come up with their adverts. Sometime back, an Ad from Honda won them the Grand Prix at Cannes . Since then, Honda Ads are always popular among Creative enthusiasts. Last year, even Fiat "eco Drive" won them a grand prix at that Cannes Lions. So here are 2 more I could manage to fish out, for their sheer creative brilliance - one in print, and the other a video clip. The first one is a creative from Lexus Hybrid Cars - leveraging their superiority in Hybrid cars, claiming to be the first ones to conceptualize the " hybrid " technology in a brilliantly executed manner. Click here for the video - worth a watch! The second one, is completely on the other side, from BMW - claiming that even if the cars are not the first one, the experience is simply out of the world for the user (or that is what one can interpret!) Worth a watch...even...