Below the 'belt' Advertising!

Legs are not an uncommon 'prop' to be used in advertising. Be it for epilators, skin creams, sports shoes and of course, erotic products. Case in point is the series from Morphy Richards. Interesting Campaign by Morphy Richards on "Legs so beautiful" The campaign says, " Make the most of your legs with Morphy Richards Epilators, that gently remove your hair from the root leaving you with smooth and silky skin for long. Legs so beautiful that you just want to show them off" In other parts of the world, Venus has also shown smooth legs. Not to mention few weird ones by Prestobarba as well. But Legs are not only used for selling epilators, but also skin creams as well as Shoes! Reetone campaign and Panasonic Glow are a proof of this. Did you notice that in most of these campaigns, long legs are common..Do you know why? Well, firstly, legs are second most attractive part of a lady that men get most attracted to (any guesses what take...