Offbeat Marketing ..from another P
A nice offbeat article on offbeat marketing, of an offbeat product in International Herald Tribune - World Music . Putamayo World Music .. ever heard the name? Well, I didnt.... and what a better name to learn from, than another P .. ;-D The co-founder, Dan Storper, goes around different parts of the world, distributing free CDs, which are a compilation of world music, clubbed with new and innovative features, and specific album covers, to ensure brand-recall. Singapore...Brazil...France...the New York-based record company typically hands out 20,000 promotion copies of each new album. Medium of sales ... half at retail outlets, and half in record shops... Result: No one is going to buy a staid CD, with nothing to differentiate it in a record shop .. but if the same thing is associated with ethinicism, played at the country clubs and restaurants, where the nose and the tongue ..synchronize with the ear (ok ok.. I mean, the food and the music have a common theme/culture..), it sure woul...