Epica 2006 Gold: The Coke Side of Life

Last year, the agency won the Grand Prix at Cannes for their "Honda Grr" Commercial. This year, they have won the 2006 film Epica d'or Award, for their Coca-Cola "Happiness Factory" commercial. Wieden & Kennedy has sort of commanded the advertising through their innovative concepts, and creative animation. Though the diesel engines have been replaced with the Coke bottle this year, the entire advertisement has been conceptualized quite well, and engages the viewer in the entire process presented therein.

The same ad won the Gold in the Foods & Drink category for Non-Alcoholic Drinks, too.

The entire commercial can be viewed at this link. Incidentally, the piece here seems to be an abridged version. The Ad is also available at the agency's website and has a few more "constructs" in it. Have a look once...

I have talked a lot about EPICA (Europe's Premier Creative Awards). This year marked the 20th Anniversary of the awards, and in all there were around 5,461 entries by 703 companies from 45 countries this year.

Epica entries are judged on the basis of 2 criteria only: the originality of the creative idea and the quality of its execution - In both the cases, the idea was excellent and the execution - should I say, worth an EPICA gold? ;-)

[Image Source:
Coke 1, Coke 2, Coke 3, Coke 4, Coke 5, Coke 6]


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